BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 The Scottish Government's information, resources and guidance for public bodies related to the BSL (Scotland) Act 2015 Authority Plans History of BSL in Scotland

As a society, we need to recognise the cultural and linguistic identity of Deaf and Deafblind people who use BSL to communicate.

We need to adapt our services; that means we need to remove the barriers that Deaf and Deafblind people face when accessing public services, employment and education services.
Introduction from the Minister of Childcare & Young People, Clare Haughey As a society, we need to recognise the cultural and linguistic identity of Deaf and Deafblind people who use BSL to communicate.

We need to adapt our services; that means we need to remove the barriers that Deaf and Deafblind people face when accessing public services, employment and education services.
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BSL Progress Report 2021 Scottish Government
St. Andrew's House, Regent Road, Edinburgh
0300 244 4000
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Authority Plans The BSL National Plan 2023-2029 (PDF Easy Read)