Justice BSL users will have fair and equal access to the civil, criminal and juvenile justice systems in Scotland

By 2020

Scottish Ministers will


Establish a BSL-led justice advisory group to provide expertise and guidance to justice agencies.  The group will play a key role in developing and delivering a programme of improvements to help the justice agencies better meet the needs of BSL users.


Work with partners to deliver and evaluate two training programmes aimed at supporting BSL/English interpreters to work within the Justice sector, with a view to informing a longer-term approach.


Work with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), Police Scotland and Scottish Ambulance Service to develop and implement measures to improve access to emergency services for BSL users.


Improve access to all Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), emergency and preventative strategies (including home fire safety visits), for BSL users.

BSL Progress Report 2021 Scottish Government
St. Andrew's House, Regent Road, Edinburgh
0300 244 4000
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